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Facet Of Dominance Destiny 2 – Obtaining Guide & Benefits

Destiny 2 is an exciting game full of powerful tools and abilities. One important tool is the Facet of Dominance, which is part of the Titan Sentinel subclass. In this guide, we’ll explain what the Facet of Dominance is, how you can unlock it, and how it can help you in the game. Get ready to boost your gameplay and face Destiny 2’s challenges with new skills and strategies.

What Is The Facet Of Dominance?

The Facet of Dominance is a special fragment that boosts the effectiveness of your Void and Arc grenades. When you have it equipped, your Void grenades will weaken enemies, making them more vulnerable to damage. Your Arc grenades will jolt targets, causing chain lightning effects that damage nearby foes.

Facet Of Dominance Destiny 2

In addition to powering up your grenades, the Facet of Dominance increases the potency of light debuffs. This means enemies afflicted by your abilities will be even less effective in combat. The fragment also aids in achieving Light Transcendence, a powerful state that enhances your Guardian.

It’s important to note that equipping the Facet of Dominance comes with a tradeoff. It will reduce your Discipline stat by 10 points. However, the benefits it provides can more than make up for this minor drawback, especially in challenging content.

How To Obtain Facet Of Dominance?

Ready to add the Facet of Dominance to your collection? You’ll need to put in some work to acquire this coveted item. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

First, complete The Final Shape campaign. You won’t be able to access the necessary content until you finish the main story. Once that’s done, head over to The Lost City and speak with Micah-10. This NPC will provide you with the “Alone in the Dark” questline.

As you progress through Alone in the Dark, you’ll unlock Cyst missions. These challenging activities pit you against powerful foes that have a chance to drop Memory Vestige: Light items. Collect 5 of these, and they’ll automatically transform into a Memory: Seclusions of Light.

With a Memory: Seclusions of Light in your inventory, open up your map. You should see a new mission marker in The Seclusion area of the Pale Heart. Make your way there, defeating any enemies that stand in your way.

Once you arrive in The Seclusion, keep an eye out for a waterfall. Instead of heading inside, look for a fallen tree that you can jump up to. Behind this tree, you’ll discover a Prismatic Chest containing your very own Facet of Dominance!

As you tackle the objectives in The Seclusion, be ready to face off against Taken, Grims, and other fearsome adversaries. With skill and determination, you’ll soon have the Facet of Dominance in your grasp.

Best Subclasses For Facet Of Dominance

The Facet of Dominance greatly enhances your Light abilities, making certain subclasses more effective. For those looking to utilize this new power, consider the following subclasses:

Facet Of Dominance Destiny 2 Guide

Voidwalker Warlock

The Voidwalker’s Void grenades are significantly improved with the Facet of Dominance. Weakened enemies take extra damage and have reduced movement speed, making it a great choice for crowd control and dealing increased damage to your opponents.

Striker Titan

Striker Titans can benefit from the Arc grenades’ enhancements provided by the Facet of Dominance. Jolted enemies take additional damage and can chain lightning to nearby targets. This subclass works well for dealing area-of-effect damage and stunning Overload Champions.

Arcstrider Hunter

Similar to the Striker Titan, Arcstrider Hunters can take advantage of the improved Arc grenades. The chain lightning effect and stunning capabilities make it an excellent subclass for crowd control and dealing with powerful enemies like Overload Champions.

Facet Of Dominance Benefits

Unlocking the Facet of Dominance offers several benefits to your Guardian:

  1. Enhanced Light Abilities:
    The Facet of Dominance strengthens your Light abilities, particularly those that weaken or hinder enemies. It enhances Void and Arc grenades, increasing their effectiveness against foes.
  2. Weakened Targets:
    Enemies affected by your enhanced abilities will take increased damage and have reduced movement speed. This makes it easier for you and your team to defeat them quickly.
  3. Jolted Targets:
    Jolted targets take additional damage and can chain lightning to nearby targets, providing an excellent area-of-effect damage source. This ability is especially useful for stunning Overload Champions, making them vulnerable to further attacks.

Destiny 2 Overview

Destiny 2 is an action-packed online multiplayer game that puts you in the role of a Guardian, a powerful warrior tasked with protecting the last remnants of humanity. With a vast universe to explore, numerous weapons and gear to collect, and various activities to participate in, Destiny 2 offers an immersive and engaging gaming experience.

The introduction of the Facet of Dominance provides players with new ways to enhance their Guardian’s abilities, making the game even more enjoyable and challenging.


The Facet of Dominance is a great upgrade for your Destiny 2 gameplay. It makes your Void and Arc grenades much stronger, helping you deal more damage to enemies. Although it slightly lowers your Discipline stat, the benefits are well worth it. By following the steps to get it and using it with the right subclasses, you’ll be better equipped to handle tough challenges and improve your overall performance in the game.

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